Monday, April 14, 2014

First Day of Teaching Tips

If I were asked at this point, "what ten tips would you recommend for the first day of teaching," these are the ten tips I would suggest. I would like to compare my pre- first-day-of-teaching tips with my post first-day-of-teaching tips.

1) Make the students feel welcome in their new classroom.

2) Prepare a sponge activity for the students who arrive before others.

3) Know what routines to expect: For example, do students sit in the hallway silently until the bell rings? Does another class walk through your classroom to get to their classroom at the beginning of the day?

4) Determine how will you know your students' names on the first day, or how will you help yourself remember their names throughout the day.

5) Begin implementing your classroom management strategy immediately.

6) Talk with other teachers beforehand about what to expect on the first day.

7) Know the routes to take to the cafeteria, library, and any other places you may need to go to with your students.

8) Know that your seating plan can be flexible.

9) Begin to build a rapport with students immediately.

10) Enjoy the first day of teaching! It won't come again. Breathe.