Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life Update

I must make this update short, but I did want to update my family and friends on life here with my fantastic husband and our crazy life!

Our life looks very similar to this:
We are one of these monkeys throughout the week. haha :-) No... Life has not been crazy-bad, just crazy-busy. So what's going on?


My sweet husband formed a perimeter of a garden for me as a surprise for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. Since then, we have tried to work in the garden at least once or twice a week to prepare it for planting. Thus far, we have laid the bricks for the perimeter of our garden and laid the stepping stones leading to the garden. (It doesn't sound like much, but we worked hard for a couple of hours a day for about three days.)

The weather has been our garden's foe these past couple of weeks. Our weather has not been able to make its mind up, as to whether it would like to be cold or warm. The past two weeks have been mostly beautiful with one day hitting nearly freezing temperatures, one day being below freezing with icy roads and sleet, and one day being below freezing with potential for snow (but no snow).

I have also attempted to begin a compost for the garden, but I have not looked at the compost since the freezing temperatures. Our next steps on the garden are to till up the area inside our garden and plant our seeds/starters!


I am back in school. My schedule rotates between working at an elementary school (for student teaching) and studying at the university. The Lord has been so gracious to keep me organized this semester and help me to stay ahead of readings and assignments.

My darling was going to start school, but the class was postponed for various reasons until March. He will finish up his schooling, then, at the end of May.


Ah, cooking! A very important topic. :-) I have only cooked breakfast for me and my husband the past two weeks. This week I am cooking dinners for the whole family! I have actually really enjoyed it. I went grocery shopping on Tuesday and bought groceries for the rest of the week and into the next week for $40 from a discount grocery store. Tuesday night, I cooked broccoli and cheese soup. Wednesday night, I cooked black bean burgers and a sunshine salad. Tonight, I and my husband are grilling veggies and chicken for fajitas. Tomorrow, I plan to make pomegranate chicken and a spinach salad. On Saturday, I will make a veggie stirfry.

Those are a few things about our life lately! I need to work on some school work before I begin dinner. The Lord is so faithful!!

God bless you and keep you,

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